News 19 January 2023

Mitie’s net zero experts share decarbonisation predictions and advice for the year ahead

  • Mitie has gathered insights from its decarbonisation experts, to share predictions and advice for what 2023 has in store
  • This expert advice will help organisations reduce carbon emissions, save money and secure their energy supply in 2023 and beyond
  • Subjects include the rising demand for green energy, the use of artificial intelligence in organisations’ net zero strategies, and the accelerating race to decarbonise fleets

Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities management company, has today published its latest decarbonisation insights paper: Net Zero Navigator 2023. Throughout the paper, Mitie’s decarbonisation experts share their predictions for the year ahead, covering a range of areas including energy, e-mobility, waste and landscapes.

Mitie’s experts share advice on the need to get ahead of the crowd to secure grid connections for EV and solar, how to take a wildlife-aware approach to landscaping, and ways to mine artificial intelligence to improve building performance. Features include:

  1. Surging demand for on-site solar will create supply bottlenecks: With current volatility in the energy market, on-site solar generation is a cost-effective and future-proof solution to secure prices and supply. As the demand for green energy increases, organisations should not wait for costs to rise as businesses compete for more grid supply. Invest in on-site solar generation – and do it fast.
  2. Tardy organisations will get stuck in the electric vehicle (EV) fleet rush: As everyone enters the race to decarbonise fleets before the Government’s ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars is introduced in 2030, organisations must act fast. Organisations should plan for the EV transition now to secure a grid connection and ensure adequate charging infrastructure can be installed.
  3. Enhancing biodiversity will take root to become a legal requirement: Biodiversity is still very much an emerging consideration for organisations, but they should not wait for estate-level biodiversity to be enshrined in law. Organisations can take a wildlife-aware approach now, collect data on site ecology, and explore nature-positive initiatives.
  4. Data will make or break decarbonisation efforts: To remain on track to meet net zero goals, organisations will need to harness data to inform their strategies, while demonstrating their progress. Businesses should work with an energy partner to collect data to boost efficiency and reduce waste.
  5. Water’s vital role in decarbonisation will become crystal clear: This year will see a significant shift in attitudes towards the huge carbon footprint of water. Whilst water may still be a cheaper utility than energy, organisations must reduce their water consumption in order to transform their carbon emissions – starting with a water audit.
  6. Plastic recycling will become a profitable priority: In 2023, the demand for recycled plastics will be higher than ever. Organisations need to start treating plastic waste as a valuable by-product. This starts with gaining complete visibility over just how much waste is produced.
  7. A culture of conscious consumption will take centre stage: Organisations should implement strategies which change the way people think about energy use across the whole organisation. A strong data service will be a key building block to help make this happen.
  8. Greater clarity will drive decarbonisation confidence: Although the price of energy will continue to rise this year, there is now a much better idea of what the coming year looks like. Now is the time for organisations to dial up decarbonisation activities – with a focus on cost saving – and start making change at scale.

Collaborating on this insight paper, Dr Steven Fawkes, energy efficiency expert and Managing Partner at the global net zero consultancy, EP Group, also shares his views on what will be driving the decarbonisation agenda this year, and how organisations can prepare.

Pradyumna Pandit, Managing Director, Energy and Decarbonisation, Mitie, said:

“Businesses are increasingly under pressure from investors, customers and colleagues to make decarbonisation a priority. This year, leadership teams need to think boldly and strategically about getting everyone involved in the journey to net zero, with support from right across the organisation. Mitie’s Net Zero Navigator provides further inspiration and guidance to businesses on the path to decarbonisation.”

To read this paper and access Mitie experts’ insights in full, visit the Mitie Net Zero Navigator. 

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